Change Through Life

Change Through Life

You always saw what I am.
You always see who I am.

You have always known who I am.
You have always known what I am.
You have always known how I am.

You knew what I will be.
You know what I was.
You will know who I am.

You changed me in youth.
You will change me more.

Your love changed me.
Your love will always change me.

Your grace found me.
Your grace lifts me.
Your grace will renew me.

You knew what I will be.
You know what I was.
You will know who I am.

Through life, You changed me.
Through life, You continue to change me.

I’ve been changed through You.
I’ll be changed in You.

You always loved me.
You always love me.
You will always love me.

You knew what I will be.
You know what I was.
You will know who I am.


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