Writing in a second language
Writing in a second language
There are many aspects that influence writing in a second language as well as reasons why we should write in a second language.
Influence of Reading
When we read in any language we understand new vocabulary, sentence structures, writing styles, and are influence to obtain our own writing styles.
This is even more important when reading and writing in a second language. In comparison of read-writers who do not read regulary in their native language to those that do so is that when they transfer to reading/writing in a second language the consistant reader-writer in their native language has a great advantage of reading/writing better than the others.
At many times when a person is a new language learner they need to relearn how to read in that new language becasue most of the time the sentence structure, imigary, grammatical structures, vocabulary, and other aspects have changed. This at the beginning can frustrate new language learners but with time it will get better and they will be able to read better in the second language.
Other factors
Other important factors include writing preparation in planing. When a writer reads and plans what he is going to write before he starts his writing process then he has a 30% less chance of having writer's block. In many cases it is also beneficial to have a set writing time per day so that the continue in the process of writing which also will combat procastination and ideas that writing is boring or unecessary.
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